Saturday, January 17, 2009

What's with Ang Moh Airports?!

My 16-year old brother was detained by London Airport customs when he arrived, like how I was detained in Adelaide Airport a couple of years ago for over an hour. These were the questions they asked:

Where are you heading to?
My ans: My boyfriend's flying school.
His ans: My brother's hostel.

Do you know its address?
My ans: Nope. He's picking me up.
His ans: Don't know. He's picking me up.

How much money did you bring?
My ans: Not much.
His ans: I'm broke.

I don't believe you can be travelling alone like this. You're just a kid!
My ans: Why.. thank you :D
His ans: Ok I know I'm short. You racist or what?

How many people are there in your family? What are you planning to do here? How will you celebrate Xmas? Tell me about your bf... blah blah blah...

And they just kept asking stupid questions while pouring everything from your luggage, swabbing your toothpaste, checking your wallet, and before you know it, you have already told them things even your mother don't know about as they shake your loose beige granny panties to see if anything falls out.

Conclusion: If you are a young Chinese, travelling alone and you do not know exactly where you are going, be prepared to lose your dignity, be detained and checked for drugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

next time drop ur credit cards on the table instead. it shld shut their mouths up.
